
John Savage

I took my first wargaming steps in 1960 when I purchased a box of Airfix German Infantry. By 1966, thanks to Donald Featherstone’s Tackle Model Soldiers this Way, we were playing with real rules. From those days the road to wargaming has taken me from Charles Grant to the Two Fat Lardies, from WRG to The Perfect Captain, from S&T to Command Decision with numerous other byways along the road. In that time my approach to wargaming has evolved and developed. The games on this website are a product of that journey. 

A Stout Ensign

The files linked to this website are provided at no charge and gamers are invited to download and use them as they please. As such this site follows the example set by the now defunct Perfect Captain website. The Captain strove to promote wargaming by provide innovative and entertaining games for free in fields that stretched from the plains of Ancient Greece to the Don Steppes of the Russian Civil War. These games were supported by materials that were graphically original and beautifully colourful. The Captain is sadly missed but his legacy lives on with a Facebook page dedicated to the cause he championed. (The Perfect Captain Unofficial Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/113762575989139

In one of the Captain’s games, A Coat of Steel, his brilliant and unique Wars of the Roses rules, there was a Stratagem, a small token a gamer could assign to a leader that would preserve his life if, in the hurly burly of the strife, he should fall. Instead of succumbing to the fatal blow his Stout Ensign to would instead step forward and “absorb” the wound. I do not mean to take the Captain’s place with this site but I will take up his fallen banner.

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