A Stout Ensign

Card based wargaming

The Perfect Captain blended cards with figures and produced a series of wargames that were colourful, authentic, playable and fun. A Stout Ensign builds on that heritage. All of the games on these pages are free. Rules, troop cards, scenarios – everything you need to play can be downloaded here and printed.

Try them and send your comments and suggestions via the Contact page.

Game testing in Australia and around the world (there is a Spanish version) keeps the system growing and developing.

To keep up to date on new troop cards, new scenarios, rule updates and new games follow A Stout Ensign on Facebook.


Fire & Move

Skirmish World War II

And March

Colonial warfare



How the games play

Each player has a deck of cards for the nationality they are playing. Each nation’s deck is distinct and each player’s hand, and how it plays, is different. Thus, each nationality plays in its own particular way. In their turn each player plays a card from their hand to activate a unit. The activated unit fires, moves or rallies depending on what the card stipulates. The action the unit performs is clearly shown on the card. When that unit has completed that action, the player can play more cards on different units till they runs out of cards or decide to stop and end his turn. It is then their opponents turn.

This approach to game play places a player’s decision making at the centre of their gaming experience. From their hand the player must decide which card to play on which group and in what order. Alternatively, the player may decide to delay activating their units and discard cards in the hope that freshly drawn cards will improve their hand and their chances.

Units are moved freely across the table without the need for measuring distances. Movement is controlled instead by the number of move actions shown on the movement card in play and the placement of the terrain on the table. The table is divided into areas called terrain features and units are moved from one terrain feature to another. 

Each wargame is a story that unfolds as it is played. In these games the playing of a card, and the resolving of it, adds a new paragraph to that story.

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Keep up to date on all of the latest updates, new national decks, new troop cards, new scenarios and new games.

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Keep this system growing and evolving with your comments and suggestion via the Contact page.

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